garconheurex 发表于 2003-2-6 20:51:32


I am overwhelmingly moved ,thanks to such a excellent website on propagating thepeculiar culture of Taishun,and even more about the group of the youth with the novel and sharp thought.I am strongly looking for joining in you!And many thanks for the untaishunese ones who have payed a huge effort according to the advertisement of the culture of Taishun.I'll pay concern on the development of this website and my great effort.Thank you!

大笨钟 发表于 2003-2-6 22:28:13

thank you very much and wellcome to holp you can have time come to Taishun!

garconheurex 发表于 2003-2-7 20:11:37

hehe,I'm Taishunese whose nick name's Lutteur @QQ,and we had a nice talk yesterday.

饶富春 发表于 2003-2-13 23:45:32

wokan bu dong da jie xie xie shen me zhi hao tui chu

garconheurex 发表于 2003-2-26 20:55:51


饶富春 发表于 2003-2-26 21:26:44

你要找一个泰顺人是吗 这里多的很啊 其中我也是
你要GG 还是MM呢

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-2-26 21:27:25编辑过]
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